Laser Genesis
Conveniently located to serve Western Canada.
Before & After images are available during consultation.
What is Laser Genesis
Edmonton Laser Genesis at the Youthful Image is a procedure involving gentle laser energy resulting in collagen generation (collagen genesis). The laser technology can treat all skin types, does not break skin barrier and results in decreased redness, decreased scarring, increased tone, texture and glow as well as firmness. The increased collagen production at the cellular level can improve scarring and decrease the size of pores. It is a proprietary therapy designed to minimise downtime and get you back to social life in a matter of hours or few days!
As skin collagen starts decreasing in our twenties, anything that can enhance collagen generation is a welcomed news! Edmonton Laser Genesis is one of the safest and least invasive methods of generating collagen available today! It is no wonder that this coveted technology is a go to therapy of beauty conscious individuals!
You have choices in addressing your skin concerns!
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Laser Genesis®, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
Key Benefits of Laser Genesis at Youthful Image
The benefits of the Youthful Image Laser Genesis are numerous! Some of the key results that can be seen within hours or days are reduction in redness, increased skin tone, texture and glow, reduction in pore size and enhanced overall skin firmness. Of course, each individual is different and unique and the combination therapies including injectables, home treatments and office-based procedures are used to enhance the overall results. This is not to say that Laser Genesis needs to be used with other modalities but, as is the case with most skin therapies, multiple therapies do not just add benefits but can multiply the effectiveness and results.
You have choices in addressing your skin concerns!
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Laser Genesis®, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
Ideal Candidates for Laser Genesis Treatment
Edmonton Youthful Image has been offering Laser Genesis for over 20 years and has seen results in patients with various skin concerns. Anyone with any form of scaring (acne, traumatic, surgical and others), those with skin laxity and redness as well as those wishing to have increased skin collagen are good candidates for this gentle therapy.
As always, candidates are thoroughly assessed making sure that the expectation of the procedure match the results that can be achieved using Laser Genesis technology. The great news is that Youthful Image is the home off one of the most experienced cosmetic procedure providers in Edmonton. It is without a doubt that appropriate candidate selection is one of the best ways to ensure excellent results that are not just temporary but, with appropriate maintenance, are long lasting.
Anyone with fine lines, changes in skin tone, elasticity, reduced glow and luminescence as well as those with treatment resistant wrinkles can benefit from Youthful Image Laser Genesis®.
It is important to note that Laser Genesis® is just a technology and it takes years of experience of our cosmetic specialists to use it properly and safely!
You have choices in addressing your skin concerns!
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Laser Genesis®, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
What Other Treatments Can Be Used with Laser Genesis?
One of the most beautiful things about Laser Genesis collagen generation is that it can be combined with a variety of at home and office-based therapies. Generally speaking, Laser Genesis is used with other light-based therapies, a variety of injectables (neuromodulators and fillers), skin boosters, mechanical Collagen Genesis, platelet rich plasma (PRP), exosomes and many others. As you can see, the choice of the combinations really depends on what needs to be addressed and what are the priorities of each individual. As many of our clients can say, with the right combination of treatments, they look better now then five or ten years ago. It is truly remarkable that when appropriately selected office-based and home therapies can create such a wonderful result over time!
You have choices in addressing your skin concerns!
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Laser Genesis, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!