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Belkyra for Double Chin in Edmonton!

Remove double chin without surgery in Edmonton!

Belkyra (also known as Kybella), a new non-surgical treatment to help eliminate double chin, is now available in Edmonton. FDA and Health Canada have approved this NEW treatment for excessive chin fat.

It is no doubt that personal appearances affect everyday life from the moment people wake up. This confidence, whether at work or in a social community, is boosted by facial and physical appearance. It is for that reason that any distortions to the facial features may lower self-esteem, thereby inhibiting ability to perform at their best at work, and amongst family and friends.

Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko, at the Youthful Image Clinic in Edmonton advises that submental fat, otherwise known as double chin, under the skin is the focus of many complains by people around the world.

Fortunately, this issue is treatable without the need of any surgical intervention using the new Belkyra.

woman with perfect chin

What are the common causes of a Double Chin?

There are many factors contributing to a double chin.

One of these causes includes excess weight which builds the fat tissues under the chin. Just gaze around, overweight individuals usually have double chins. But that’s not all, as in some cases, the double chin is inherited. Some body parts are more prone to storing body fat compared to others. The chin area is one of such popular fat storing regions.

Another cause includes aging as the skin losses its elasticity and there are adjustments to the bone structures causing the skin to hang resulting in less than attractive appearance.
Remember, double chin does not have to be huge to be noticed or bothersome.

Patients who wish to eliminate their double chin should seek an expert opinion from doctors familiar with both surgical and non-surgical treatments of excessive chin fat. Only in such circumstances, one can truly assess what is best for the patient.

What are some treatment options for a double chin?

There are several ways to treat double chin and these include non-surgical modalities such as Belkyra, radiofrequency techniques, liposuction and NeckTite as well as surgical interventions such as neck lift.

That is why it is imperative for anyone seeking the treatment for double chin to have a thorough consultation with doctor who is familiar with all these treatments.

Furthermore, in addition to the treatment of fat, in many cases the skin and muscles need to be treated in the same region. Without the optimal skin and muscle treatments, the final result may be less than ideal. At the end of the day, what we are all really looking for is for the chin area to look as great as it can.

The recent prescription breakthrough medicine, Belkyra, can be used to break down the fat under the chin without the need of a surgical intervention. Belkyra is an injection inserted into the fat tissue beneath the skin, says Dr. Sapijaszko. Its precise placement enhances final results and that is why it is not just about sticking a needle under the skin, it is all about the precision of delivering the medicine where it is needed and not delivering in places where it can cause problems.

What is Belkyra?

Belkyra is a prescription treatment that is by trained physicians. It works to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe submental fat, also known as double chin. Administered to adults over 18, Belkyra is injected into the fat under the skin; targeting key areas for precise therapy.

In many cases, with Belkyra, there is no longer the need for surgical interventions, says Dr. Sapijaszko. It breaks down excess fat tissue with the aid of an active ingredient that is also a naturally occurring molecule in the body. Generally speaking, two to five treatments are needed to achieve satisfactory results.

In some patients, more treatments may be needed and that needs to be determined during the monitoring visits.

Who are the candidates of Belkyra?

Typically, a candidate for Belkyra is an adult over 18 who has unwanted fat deposits localized to the chin area, says Dr. Sapijaszko. Further, Dr. Sapijaszko advises that patients should fully understand the risks associated with the use of the drug as well as the alternatives before considering treatments. He further adds that patients with excessive skin in the chin and neck area should not have treatment with Belkyra as the results will likely be less than satisfactory.

The cost of Belkyra

Belkyra is Affordable!

Belkyra is the latest treatment available to treat double chin. It consists of several treatments, at least 4 weeks apart, that result in decreased fat and modest skin tightening. Unlike surgical options, such as liposuction or NeckTite (both also offered by Dr. Sapijaszko), there are no surgical incisions. The cost of each treatment session depends on the size of the area needing treatment but generally varies from $500 and up.

What are some of the side effects of Belkyra?

Belkyra is a safe treatment and, as with anything in live, there are potential side effects that are important to discuss.

Belkyra involves injections of the active ingredient into the fat that subsequently destroy the fat cells resulting in fat volume reduction and modest skin tightening. As such, the most common side effects include discomfort during injections, potential bruising and swelling. In addition, there is a small possibility of altering sensation and muscle movement that is usually temporary but in some rare cases can be permanent.

Dr. Sapijaszko recommends that a thorough detailed consultation be performed with a doctor familiar with non-surgical as well as surgical treatments of double chin. Dr. Sapijaszko has been treating patients with double chin concerns for over 20 years and is familiar with both surgical and non-surgical fat reduction treatments.

Why choose Dr. Sapijaszko for your Belkyra treatments?

Belkyra is a real medicine and should be administered by trained doctors. In addition, Belkyra is only one of the options for the treatment of double chin. There are other alternatives that include liposuction, NeckTite as well as surgical neck lift. Dr. Sapijaszko is familiar with all these treatments and has performed them in multiple patients over the last 20 years.

Dr. Sapijaszko was one of the first doctors to be trained in the treatment of double chins in Edmonton and, as such, is familiar with the anatomy, the benefits and pitfalls of both surgical and non-surgical double chin treatments.

You have the choice of selecting the doctor and the treatment for your unique situation and why not choose the experience and knowledge of Dr. Sapijaszko to help achieve your goals.

Why choose Youthful Image Clinic?

Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko received training in tumescent liposuction surgery at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and at the University of California in San Francisco. He was extensively trained by world-renowned cosmetic surgeons Dr. Richard Glogau, Dr. Roy Grekin, Dr. Christopher Zachary and many others.

Dr. Sapijaszko has over 20-year experience in the treatment of cosmetic patients including the treatment of troubled double chin concerns. Dr. Sapijaszko and the team of dedicated staff are committed to providing the best possible care to all our patients. Your satisfaction and well-being are our priorities. Our clinic is designed to provide safe and pleasant environment and experience.

For more details or to book a confidential consultation, please call us at (780) 424-4440 or email us.

Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!

If you are interested in Edmonton Belkyra, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!

The information provided on this website is for Canadian patients only and is meant for information and education that is based on experience and research. This information is also available in multiple public sources.

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What Our Clients Say

Your Belkyra treatment will be performed in Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko's surgery center located in Edmonton.