Botox Cosmetic
Conveniently located to serve Western Canada.
Before & After images are available during consultation.
Edmonton wrinkle reduction – Botox Cosmetic® is one the safest and effective treatments for facial wrinkles.
Botox is one of the most common and safest cosmetic procedure performed in Edmonton today. It has been successfully used for cosmetic and medical treatments for over 30 years. Dr. Sapijaszko has been trained to use Botox Cosmetic® by the world’s foremost authorities. In particular, Dr. Sapijaszko trained with Dr. Alastair Carruthers and Dr. Richard Glogau, two pioneers of cosmetic use of Botox Cosmetic®, in Vancouver as well as in San Francisco.
Come and see us and experience our expertise.
Following ten more years of research and development, a remarkable new cosmetic treatment was born. In April 2001, Botox Cosmetic™ was cleared for use in Canada for patients with (glabellar) frown lines. Since that time in medical and general public literature, there are many success experiences detailed.
Thousands of appearance-conscious women and men have already discovered the benefits of Botox Cosmetic®. Not just models and movie stars, but ordinary people – teachers, mothers, and business people from all walks of life. It is that affordable. Dr. Sapijaszko and his staff are pleased to offer Botox Cosmetic® benefits to our patients.
No referral is needed for Botox Cosmetic® consultations and treatments.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
What Causes Wrinkles
Most wrinkles are caused either by excessive sun exposure or from repeated action of facial muscles. The vertical lines between the eyebrows are the direct result of years of squinting and frowning caused by the muscles of the forehead. These lines are called “dynamic wrinkles” as repeated muscle action is at the core of their formation. After many years of frowning combined with the weathering action of the sun, the skin is left with deep vertical lines (frown lines) that are present even at rest. The examples of other “dynamic wrinkles” of the face include squint lines (crow’s feet) around the eyes and forehead horizontal lines. The presence of these lines can add years to our appearance making us look worried, tired and angry even when we are not.
Now, Botox Cosmetic® treatment can help you control your facial expressions so that you look as well as you feel. In expert hands, this office procedure takes only minutes, with no “down time” or prolonged recovery time, helping improve and maintain your Youthful Image.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
What is Botox Cosmetic®?
Botox Cosmetic® is a natural, purified protein that is administered via a few tiny injections directly into the overactive muscles that cause facial lines. It is a simple, non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure, that smoothes the deep, persistent lines that have developed from repeated muscle contractions over time. Botox Cosmetic® has been widely tested. It is the one of the most commonly performed cosmetic procedures in North America and a leading treatment for reversing some of the visible signs of aging. Botox Cosmetic® has the ability to very precisely relax the muscles to which it is applied. This relaxation lasts for a number of months. Since most people enjoy the effect that Botox Cosmetic® has on their appearance, the treatments are repeated 3 or 4 times a year.
While we all have earned every one of our worry lines, we don’t have to show them if we don’t want to! If facial wrinkles are starting to make you look older, tired, worried or more “negative,” Botox Cosmetic® can help restore the rested, confident appearance you desire.
How does Botox Cosmetic® work?
Botox Cosmetic®, when precisely injected, selectively relaxes the muscles which are causing wrinkles to occur. Subsequently, the skin over the treated muscles gradually becomes smoother and less wrinkled. A common use for Botox Cosmetic® is to improve the furrows and lines that many people have between their eyebrows. These frown lines can make people look worried, angry or concerned, even when they are happy. Furthermore, crow’s feet around the eyes can also add years to your appearance making you look like you are constantly squinting. Crow’s feet usually improve nicely when the muscles which cause the crow’s feet are treated with a bit of Botox Cosmetic®.
Untreated facial muscles continue to contract in their usual way, so that normal facial expression is unaffected. Because it relaxes the muscles that cause dynamic wrinkles, Botox Cosmetic® treatments can also prevent new lines from forming in the areas on your face, forehead and neck which are treated.
What can Botox Cosmetic® treatments do for me?
The safety and superior effectiveness of Botox Cosmetic® treatments can now be enjoyed by almost anyone who wishes to improve and maintain their Youthful Image. The objective is to make you look your best without looking as if you had “work done.” Botox Cosmetic® treatments are discreet and when performed by experts result in a natural yet refreshed, rejuvenated appearance.
Hundreds of thousands of women and men have already discovered the tremendous benefits of Botox Cosmetic®. Although some esthetic procedures are expensive and available for those with considerable disposable income, Botox Cosmetic® treatments are affordable and yet produce a natural rejuvenated look. Not just models and movie stars, but ordinary people – teachers, mothers, and business people from all walks of life have discovered the joy of looking their best.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
Can all wrinkles be treated with Botox Cosmetic®?
Botox Cosmetic® improves dynamic wrinkles, wrinkles that resulted from repeated contraction of facial muscles. Over time, these wrinkles can become so deep that even relaxation of the muscles, although very helpful, cannot fully restore the look that we desire. At this point, fillers like Juvederm, Restylane, Belotero, Radiesse, or Bellafill are used to fill deeper creases, lips, cheekbones, and other defects such as acne scars. Each patient is unique and each treatment is specific to each patient. Occasionally, Botox Cosmetic® is used in combination with fillers, for example when treating frown lines, forehead lines or wrinkles around the lips.
For many people who have had chemical peels or laser treatments, Botox Cosmetic® can prevent or delay the development of new wrinkles and furrows reducing the long-term need for additional laser resurfacing or injection of filling substances.
In many cases, Botox Cosmetic® can be used to delay or eliminate the need for a surgical procedures altogether. This is particularly exciting, as more invasive surgical interventions can be avoided. Furthermore, the effect of prior procedures such as chemical peel, laser or intense pulsed light photo-rejuvenation, face-lift, brow-lift or neck-lift can be enhanced and prolonged with the use of Botox Cosmetic®.
Dr. Sapijaszko will examine your concerns and discuss the treatment options appropriate for you. This is a team approach with you in the center and us helping you along. Our expertise needs to match your desires and wishes and it is this teamwork that makes it all possible.
What are the alternative treatments?
The key to the treatment of facial wrinkles is our understanding of the specific causes. Generally speaking, facial wrinkles are caused by the interaction of environmental damage (e.g. excessive sun exposure, pollution as well as smoking), repeated muscle motion during facial expression, gravity, general status of the patient as well as genetic background. Wrinkles that are caused by excessive sun damage require both preventative as well as active treatment measures. For optimal results, patients need daily application of sunscreen with SPF factor of at least 30. Active treatment measures include, individually or in combination, topical vitamin A acid derivatives, alpha hydroxy acids, chemical peels, laser or intense pulsed light photo-rejuvenation. Furthermore, appropriate diet can augment the results of the above treatments.
Deeper facial lines, resulting from repeated muscle contractions as well as other factors discussed above will likely need filler substances in addition to Botox Cosmetic® treatments in order to achieve ultimate results. Furthermore, chemical peels, laser or intense pulsed light photo-rejuvenation can help you achieve your appearance goals.
Dr. Sapijaszko and his staff are your resource and we are happy to discuss with you your particular circumstances and therapeutic options. You will be amazed how excellent skin care and attention to details can help you look your best.
What are the risks and complications?
BOTOX® treatments are gentle and quick. Dr. Sapijaszko uses the smallest needles possible minimizing patient’s discomfort. Occasionally, there is minimal bruising at the injection sites. Usually, there is virtually no sign of treatment within an hour or so of the injections. Makeup may be used directly after treatment, but care should be taken not to press or massage the area for several hours after injection. Heavy physical exercise should be avoided for several hours. Dr. Sapijaszko and his staff will review post treatment care prior to your departure from the office.
Rarely, Botox Cosmetic® can produce uneven muscle relaxation or relaxation of muscles other than those that we targeted. Fortunately, this is rare and transient. Rarely, a headache following Botox Cosmetic® treatment has been reported. There have been no long-term side effects, allergic reactions or health hazards related to Botox Cosmetic® use thus far. Some patients have been getting Botox Cosmetic® treatments for more than 10 years, with no problems.
When will Botox Cosmetic® take effect?
Although the treated muscles start to relax within a few days, the maximum degree of relaxation is reached within a couple of weeks. Approximately 2-4 months after the treatment, the effects of the BOTOX® gradually start to wear off. If you, like most people, enjoy the effect of your Botox Cosmetic® treatment, you will return for another treatment. The objective is to make you look natural. Botox Cosmetic® treatment offers the advantages of having no “down-time.” You will not look as if you had “work done” and yet you will benefit from this safe and effective treatment.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
How long does Botox Cosmetic® last?
The duration of the effects following Botox Cosmetic® treatments depends on a number of factors related to individual patient variations, skill of the physician as well as the area treated. The range that we have observed is 3 to 8 months. By keeping the muscle inactive for several months you lose the habit of frowning, preventing lines from coming back. However, should you wish to regain the ability to knit the brows, you only have to wait until the effect of the Botox Cosmetic® has worn off and all voluntary muscle action will return.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
What is Botox Cosmetic® treatment like?
Dr. Sapijaszko will determine exactly where to administer several tiny injections to achieve the best results. No anaesthesia is required, although, if you prefer, Dr. Sapijaszko can numb the area with a cold pack or anaesthetic cream prior to injecting. BOTOX® treatments are gentle and quick. The entire procedure takes approximately 10 minutes. Discomfort is minimal and brief when the needle is inserted and a few drops of Botox Cosmetic® are applied to exactly the muscles which need relaxation. Most patients compare the sensation to a bug bite and are pleasantly surprised by the lack of significant discomfort.
Because of the minimally invasive nature of the treatment, you will be able to continue with all of your usual activities immediately after the procedure. You can certainly drive yourself home or back to the office.
Is Botox Cosmetic® expensive?
When considering your facial aesthetic options, you’ll find that BOTOX® Cosmetic is quite affordable. In Canada, Botox Cosmetic® is not expensive; however there is a cost involved.
As Dr. Kevin Smith puts it: “Having successful cosmetic treatments for your face is not expensive, it is priceless.”
Many cosmetic treatments were once considered a luxury item only for those who had a high disposable income. Botox Cosmetic® is very affordable even for those with modest incomes. Like other appearance-related investments, such as hair coloring and cuts, teeth whitening, and chemical peels, the cost must be weighed relative to your expectations and some people need to budget for it.
The precise cost of the treatment depends on each patient’s concerns and circumstances. The cost varies with the number of areas that patients would like treated as well as the amount of Botox Cosmetic® injected.
Why choose Youthful Image Clinic?
Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko received training in tumescent liposuction surgery at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver and at the University of California in San Francisco. He was extensively trained by world-renowned cosmetic surgeons Dr. Dr. Alastair and Jean Carruthers Dr. Richard Glogau, Dr. Roy Grekin, Dr. Christopher Zachary and many others.
Dr. Sapijaszko has over 20-year experience in the treatment of cosmetic patients including the treatment with neuromodulators (Botox, Dystport, Xeomin and others). Dr. Sapijaszko and the team of dedicated staff are committed to providing the best possible care to all our patients. Your satisfaction and well-being are our priorities. Our clinic is designed to provide safe and pleasant environment and experience.
For more details regarding Botox or to book a confidential consultation, please call us at (780) 424-4440 or email us.
Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!
If you are interested in Edmonton Botox, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular therapy!
The information provided on this website is for Canadian patients only and is meant for information and education that is based on experience and research. This information is also available in multiple public sources.