
Conveniently located to serve Western Canada.

Before & After images are available during consultation.


EYES – They communicate our emotions, feelings, desires, interests and host of other thoughts in a non-verbal way. Their importance in personal communications in both public and private affairs can’t be overemphasized. It is not surprising that so much attention is placed on maintaining and improving the look of the eye region. The health and appearance of both upper and lower eyelids are important in conveying desired messages of youth and vitality. Now – Dr. Sapijaszko is offering Edmonton blepharoplasy eye lift that is performed in a certified Non-Hospital Surgical Facility helping ensure your safety and comfort. Eyelid rejuvenation is not just for models and movie stars, but people just like you and me – nurses, farmers, teachers, mothers, and business people from all walks of life. It is that affordable!

Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!  If you are interested in Edmonton Blepharoplasty, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular treatment!

mature woman with beautiful eyes


Most people seek correction of their upper eyelids because of excessive skin that often is combined with upper eyelid fullness. Theses two features create the perception of a tired and aged appearance that most people try to avoid. Skin looses its elasticity and becomes redundant creating folds that sometimes overhang past the upper eyelid edge. These changes culminate in the aged look of the upper eyelid and frequently become a call for action by many of our patients.


Blepharoplasty – known as eyelid rejuvenation or eye lift – is a procedure that can “freshen-up” the eyes as well as the entire face. It can reverse the aged appearance of the face and brighten-up the otherwise tired face. Blepharoplasty is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures today and due to its safety, when performed by a trained specialist, it frequently replaces more aggressive procedures such as a face-lift.

Understanding Upper Lid Blepharoplasty

Upper eyelid blepharoplasty can correct excessive skin, muscle and/or fat pads that contribute to the perception of tiredness. Depending on the cause of the eyelid problems and the degree of correction required only skin, muscle and/or fat pads have to be removed. It is important to place surgical incisions in the eyelids natural creases. This will aid in minimizing resulting scarring to the point of virtual elimination of post surgical marks.

Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!  If you are interested in Edmonton Blepharoplasty, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular treatment!


Lower eyelid aesthetics are also very important and the patients seeking correction of this region frequently complain of “bags under their eyes.” Excessive skin, protruding fat pads, thickened eyelid muscle or tissue fluid retention singularly or in combination produce lower eyelid fullness, once again, resulting in a tired aged look. The quest for a fresher youthful image that conveys health and vitality can frequently be satisfied with lower eyelid blepharoplasty.


There are two main methods to perform lower lid blepharoplasty – transcutaneous (through the skin) and transconjunctival (through the area inside the eyelid). Both approaches have its uses and are chosen based on the individual patient characteristics and desires. Transcutaneous approach is used in patients who have significant skin redundancy whereas transconjunctival approach is used in patients whose main problem is excessive fat pads. Furthermore, in many cases, fat pads do not have to be removed but rather repositioned to allow smooth transition between the lower eyelid and the cheek. This latest trend is sparked by the concerns that excessive fat removal can result in a hollow, aged appearance – the appearance that we are trying to correct. The placement of skin incisions is important as their correct position can make resulting scars virtually invisible.


Yes – In many cases both lower and upper eyelid blepharoplasties can be combined into one procedure resulting in tremendous rejuvenation of this critical facial aesthetic area. In addition, most patients can benefit from Botox injections, laser as well as chemical peel resurfacing. One of the latest techniques that can be used in conjunction with blepharoplasty is fractional rejuvenation. This technology can rejuvenate the skin around the eye region giving truly remarkable results. Please call us at (780) 424-4440 or email us for a confidential consultation to see if YOU are a candidate for Your Youthful Image to be Re-Discovered.


YES – all patients need to be fully informed about the options available for their specific concerns. Some patients are great candidates for the blepharoplasty procedure either alone or in combination with other rejuvenating modalities. At the same time, some patients are not good candidates for blepharoplasty. It is during the consultation process that these options are discussed and reviewed with our patients.

Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!  If you are interested in Edmonton Blepharoplasty, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular treatment!


The desired look of women and men’s eyelids is different and that must be taken into account when performing eyelid surgery. Proper patient selection, pre-operative assessment and meticulous surgical technique, combined with appropriate post-operative care instructions and follow up; will help to make blepharoplasty a successful rejuvenation procedure for both patients and the physician.


Dr. Sapijaszko is a Dermatologist and is trained at the prestigious University of California in San Francisco to perform cosmetic surgeries. This unique training – dermatology and cosmetic surgery – allows Dr. Sapijaszko to assess each patient from a comprehensive point of view. Dermatologists – your skin experts – are uniquely trained to deal with skin complaints that are seen in almost all blepharoplasty candidates (excessive sun damage, wrinkles, changes in pigmentation, red spots, brown spots and so on). Cosmetic surgery training allows Dr. Sapijaszko to suggest the right procedure for you. In this scenario, patients have a comprehensive approach to their aesthetic needs.

You have choices in addressing your concerns!

Edmonton’s Youthful Image Clinic has been helping clients for over 25 years and it is one of Edmonton’s longest, same owners operated, clinics in Alberta!

If you are interested in Edmonton Blepheroplasty, please contact us to see if you are a candidate for this popular treatment!

Dr. Sapijaszko has been performing eyelid rejuvenation for many years and strives to rejuvenate the face with the latest available techniques including surgery as well as laser modalities.

Please call us at (780) 424-4440 or email us for a confidential consultation to see if YOU are a candidate for Your Youthful Image to be Re-Discovered.

The information provided on this website is for Canadian patients only and is meant for information and education that is based on experience and research.

Dr’s Tips

There are few procedures as successful in creating fresh look as Blepharoplasty. It is performed under local anesthesia with excellent pain management in our Non-Hospital Surgical Facility. Blepharoplasty is one of the few procedures that can create dramatic results as eyes are the major focus of facial expression. It is advisable to have at least one week off after the procedure to focus on recovery. The lifelong improvement is the desired goal.

black and white rose

What Our Clients Say

Your Blepharoplasty procedure will be performed in Dr. Mariusz Sapijaszko's surgery center located in Edmonton.